Over the years I have been increasingly uttering the following question “What did you say?”
I have been watching the hearing-aid industry for several years – awaiting the technology ‘breakthrough’ that would result in lowered prices plus more assistance. Nothing. The prices just go ^^^^^^^^ as the assistance creeps along – flat.
About two years ago I started watching the electronics industry and this is what I recently discovered
Absolutely unpaid ‘advertisement’.
Disclosure – Sadly I hold no equity in this business
Invisability means nothing to me. I wear earphones to play music. So – yesterday after having a conventional hearing test – which suggested a $2500 to $7000 fix – I pre-ordered my set of IQBuds BOOST for NZ$629 inc GST and freight
Read all about them by clicking here.
Welcome to the 21st Century!
Grahame – who will no longer have tangled cords in the ski helmet.
Update. There was once an (in) famous award ceremony for the band REM. The MC said to Michael Stipe “Fantastic – but what the $%#@ are you singing about?” Same question from me – until I listened to REM with my Nuheara IQ Buds Boost. “I hear all of the words Michael”
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