I have just re-read the book ‘Share my Joys’ – The Frank Alack Story.
Frank Alack with Marjorie Edgar Jones (left) in 1934. In 1952 my parents purchased Arthurs Pass ‘Rockery’ cottage off Marjorie. I met her.
It’s a mountain story. Linked to 1930’s alpine guiding. I consider myself fortunate to have known Frank Alack and his associated alpine guide Alf Brusted. Get the book from the library and read it.
In the final paragraph of his 1974 book, Frank forecast the total degradation that is contained in this compulsory-by-law Government report. Franks attempt to make a living off his Hawarden “lizard farm” ended in disaster – and a return to alpine guiding. In later life Frank had firm notions about the Global Financial Ponzi scheme. As with everything else Frank believed – he was correct.
In the 1950’s this is how I recall the Southern Alps in the upper Waimak catchment.
As I recall the the 1950’s summer glaciers in the upper Waimakariri – From Bealey
Permanent glacial ice. Gone. The Waimak is a rain-drain these days.
Alf Brusted on top of Mt Cook.
In 1960 Alf was a successful Waiau farmer. I helped to service his bulldozer and truck. Alf attended a ‘working party’ at Amuri Ski field about 1959. Due to some spirits – the bulldozer was never quite attached to the truck. Arriving at Hanmer – it was gone. It had slid onto a bank the same height as the truck deck. Motor still idling (hard to start). Classic – back up to bank – drive on – secure – celebrate with more spirits!
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